Science 8. YouTube week 2

Where I’m at, YouTube WEEK 2

I have recently started to make a YouTube channel and in this essay, I will be describing were I’m at so far. Even before I started the RonPaul science section on YouTube, I wanted to make a channel and the lessons that I have watched have greatly enhanced my knowledge on the matter. 

So far, I have found the content of my vids and found my target audience and value proposition, have set up my basic channel, uploaded my channel Icon, put up my channel name and have written my about page. So let me describe some of these. The content will be lego star wars stop-motion and my target audience are people who like star wars and lego and who enjoy watching those put together in stop-motion videos. This leads to my value proposition, which is offering the world quality stop-motion videos to be enjoyed. My channel name is: Galaxy Brick Films and my channel Icon is a star wars character. My about page is complete and it basically describes my value proposition and content. 

I have not been able to make a channel banner, but am still working on it.   

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